FRINGE REVIEW: “Child from Wuhan”

“Child From Wuhan: Trauma, Love and Diarrhea – Moni Zhang” – Venue 272: Laughing Horse @ The Three Sisters – The Wee Room – 5pm

PACKED into what is likely the smallest and warmest room in the entire festival, Moni Zhang joked to the sold-out room that she had been cat-fished by the venue.

With such a small space, there was not much separation between the Chinese-born, German-based comedian and her audience, so she sat down and began her show in a conversational style. After a brief introduction to her upbringing growing up in her mother’s sweatshop, difficulty in school, her dog named Panda, and the delicious-sounding Wuhanese delicacy, Re Gan Mian, or “Hot Dry Noodles” – the drier the better, in Moni’s opinion.

Moni made the obvious joke about what Wuhan is most infamous for these days (incorrectly labelled as “ground zero” for covid-19) but emphasised what it is really known for is its many, many diverse breakfast options (Re Gan Mian included) and laughed ironically about that drastic cultural shock after moving to Berlin.

Despite the food-based introduction, Moni’s show is personal and honest, delving into deeper topics such as mental health, immigration and race, and the intergenerational trauma that has made dating so difficult.

Moni Zhang is unapologetically herself, blending storytelling with adult humour and unafraid to approach any topic. This is an absolutely funny show that I recommend if you don’t mind the impromptu sauna.


Get the full details about the show here.

Plus, read more reviews on Scottish Field’s Fringe pages.
