FRINGE REVIEW: “Tom Lucy: Melt”

Tom Lucy: Melt – Venue 33 – Pleasance Courtyard – Upstairs – 9.45pm

TOM LUCY delivered a very funny, very slick show. His material covered various issues facing a sensitive young man in his 20s, from father issues to appreciation of fine furniture to later life circumcision.

There was a lot of family-centred material throughout, including people confusing his mum for his girlfriend and his ex-tank-driving dad teaching him how to drive. His style is relaxed, comfortable and free flowing, and delivered at a pace that’s refreshing compared to the in-your-face machine gun delivery of so many of his counterparts.

Tom Lucy is a genuine, up-and-coming star in the making who you can expect to see a lot more of on TV. He already has a great track record at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe, with two consecutive years of sell-out shows – pre-pandemic, of course. He’s also been the warm-up act for Jack Whitehall, and there are similarities between both comedians, although Tom’s delivery style and personality are more self-effacing.

Later shows on a Saturday night can sometimes be a bit of a gamble with drunk audience members – as was the case on the Saturday evening I saw him – but he dealt with it very well and got the rest of the crowd firmly on his side whilst pouring just the right amount of well-aimed scorn on the troublemakers. He remained totally unfazed by audience members who annoyingly thought they were funnier than the comedian we had all paid to see.

Tom Lucy’s show was laugh-out-loud funny stuff, undimmed by the clowns in the audience.


Get the full details about the show here.

Plus, read more reviews on Scottish Field’s Fringe pages.
