Blooming great gardens are all winners
The most attractive gardens in Aberdeen have been revealed this week.
From fine-looking flowers to gorgeous greenery, these are the beautiful winners of this year’s Aberdeen in Bloom annual garden competition.
The competition rewards and showcases residents and businesses for their contribution to Aberdeen’s stunning floral display which this year is in the finals in the city category in Britain in Bloom.
The Britain in Bloom awards ceremony is being held in Belfast on 19 October, and also follows on from Aberdeen’s success in the Beautiful Scotland competition, where Powis Residents’ Group, Aberdeen Inspired, and Cove in Bloom all picked up top awards.
For Aberdeen in Bloom which is in its 43rd year in 2018, there were almost 100 entrants which were judged in the three weeks from 16 July to 3 August.
Awards were presented to the winners from each of the nine categories by Depute Provost of Aberdeen Alan Donnelly, who thanked everyone who entered the competition this year, as well as the sponsors for their continued support.
During the judging, entrants were assessed on their design, quality of horticultural features, floral displays, and standards of maintenance; some categories were also judged on their sustainable and biodiversity initiatives to conserve energy and encourage wildlife and their habitat.
Winners of the nine categories were:
Category 1 – Leslie and Mabel Yuill; Category 2 – John Innes;
Category 3 – Mr & Mrs A L Inkster; Category 4 – Clan House, Moira Cameron; Category 5 – Dunbennan Road, George Penny; Category 6 –
Bloomfield Place, Douglas Merson; Category 7 – Maureen Wright; Category 8 – Scott Robertson; Category 9 – St Joseph’s RC Primary School, Fiona McAllister.

Deputy Lord Provost, Councillor Alan Donnelly, hosted the annual Aberdeen in Bloom award ceremony
Winners of the overall categories were: Categories 1 to 3 – Leslie and Mabel Yuill; Categories 4 to 9 – Scott Robertson; Winner of the Best New Entrant Award went to Elizabeth Yeats.
This year’s School Potato Competition Category attracted a healthy number of entrants with Scotstown Primary winning the ‘greatest weight of crop’ section and joint winners Cornhill and Airyhall Primary School being successful in the ‘most attractive and unusual container’ section.
Depute Provost Alan Donnelly said: ‘These gardens really are the cream of the crop around the city and are simply beautiful. I’d like to thank everyone who entered in this year’s Aberdeen in Bloom competition as they all play a huge part in making our city green and beautiful.
‘Every year, we have outstanding examples of gardens and other areas entering Aberdeen in Bloom and these all help with our city’s enviable reputation for excelling in Scottish and UK-wide bloom competitions over the decades.
‘All of us – whether individuals, community groups, schools, or businesses – can help enhance the city’s floral displays and I congratulate this year’s winners for their sterling efforts.’
Aberdeen City Council is grateful for the sponsorship from Balmoral Group Holdings Ltd, Country Ways, Michies the Chemist, Internet for Business, Ben Reid Garden Centre, and Parkhill Garden Centre.

The beautiful garden on Moira Cameron, of Clan House

Scott Robertson’s Greyhope plot

Leslie and Mabel Yuill’s colourful garden in Bucksburn

George Penny from Dyce was a category winner with his garden

The Aberdeen garden of Douglas Merson, Broomhill

Mr and Mrs A l Inkster’s garden in Cults

Maureen Wright’s garden in the Holburn area of Aberdeen