stay home and chill still 6

Eden Mill drops off gin on Scots doorsteps

Eden Mill Distillers brought a little joy to an unexpected street of people in Glasgow last week, by dropping off gin gifts on their doorsteps.

In a week of great uncertainty and concern, the gin distiller wanted to show their support for everyone doing their bit to stop the spread of coronavirus by practicing social distancing and working from home.

This simple act of gin-erosity was just the tonic, as the light relief brought brilliant smiles all round.

The surprised self-isolators answered their doors on Thursday evening between 5-6pm to find a selection of Eden Mill goodies on their doorsteps, handed over by Brand Ambassador Steve Lowrie Mackay and staff from the Eden Mill team whose jobs are normally office-based or out in the trade working with bars and restaurants. The team encouraged them to celebrate ‘gin o’clock’ from a safe distance on their driveways.

Eden Mill’s head of marketing Victoria Miller said: ‘We know it’s been a really tough week for people, so we wanted to share some joy and help promote the idea of a work-life balance for those now working from home and adjusting to their new routine.

‘Many gin fans will know the phrase gin o’clock; we are seeing 5 o’clock on one of the first weeks that many in the country are working from home as a reason to celebrate in a safe way that work is over, rather than going to pubs and bars as they may usually do.’

Eden Mill are so inspired by seeing the community come together during this difficult time, the family-run business would like to celebrate those making a real difference. They invite followers of their social media to nominate people making a difference and showing kindness in their community for a surprise gin delivery.

To say thank you to the UK’s health service fighting the virus on the front line, the gin distillery are offering a 25 per cent discount and free delivery to NHS staff.

And to help share the love, any order purchased online will include a 50ml gin miniature free of charge, to be gifted to a neighbour to help bring some light to their day.

For additional information on Eden Mill visit​
