Ash dieback trees turned into furniture

DESIGNERS are being commissioned to turn trees that were killed by ash dieback into pieces of furniture.

The Ash Rise project aims to highlight the threat from ash dieback in Scotland through a nationwide exhibition and education programme.

The nationwide tour is due to begin later next year.

Twenty designs will be selected for the exhibition, consisting of ten pieces of furniture and ten “functional objects” or drawing created using charcoal made from the ash.

The wood for the project will come from locally-felled ash timber on the Killearn Estate in Stirlingshire.

Tom Addy, a furniture maker and the project’s coordinator, said: “Ash dieback will have a huge impact on ash trees across the UK.

“It will change the landscape forever and threaten many species [that] rely on ash.

“This very much is a project to highlight ash dieback.

“Our particular role in that part of the project is producing pieces of furniture from ash and from diseased trunks, so we want to show what can be made of it and then the public can appreciate how important it is and what value it has.”

The project is being organised by the Association of Scottish Hardwood Sawmillers, the Scottish Furniture Makers Association, and government agency Scottish Forestry.

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