Hidden gem: Tom Williamson on transforming his garden into a magical green space
Tucked away behind a 1950s semi detached house in Bonnybridge lies Tom Williamson’s hidden garden.
Over the last 12 years 67-year-old Tom has transformed the space around his ex-council house into a magical garden packed with 600 different plants across three ‘rooms’.
A traditional garden sits at the front of the house with a container and pot garden to the side, and a hidden back garden which is bursting with colour.
The garden is mainly made up of non-native plants which are all grown to attract and feed wildlife and Tom loves to watch the hedgehogs, foxes, hoverflies, butterflies and insects come and go.
‘I love to just sit in the garden and listen to the birds and the wildlife’, said Tom.
‘It’s not a huge garden but we can move pots about which gives it a different look.
‘When one thing has stopped flowering, you can move that to the back and bring colour to the front.’
In 2021 Tom’s Hidden Garden was shortlisted in the health and well-being category of RSPB Scotland’s tenth anniversary Nature of Scotland Awards.
He has created the stunning space on a small budget and wants to show people what they can do in the garden with not very much.
His ethos is about buying out of season and picking up plants after they have flowered to get the best prices.
Keen gardener Tom opens the garden to the public to raise money for charity and loves to hear visitors’ thoughts on the space.
‘We’ve had three open days so far this year and we are probably going to do another two’, said Tom.
‘It’s good to hear comments from different people.
‘People can come and see the garden in a different perspective to photographs.
‘To hear all the amazing comments makes it all worthwhile.’
Tom and his partner David Gallacher have also started a Facebook page, which has nearly 5,000 members from all around the world, where people share gardening tips.
Tom wants to show people that any garden, big or small, can be a hidden gem.
‘Before lockdown we had 100 members and then lockdown came and people couldn’t get into the real world so the membership just went up and up and we’re at 4,700 now.
‘The page is worldwide now, we’ve got members in America, Canada, China, India, New Zealand, Australia.
‘I put lots of photos up and gardening tips in the group.
‘The aim is to encourage people to get out in their gardens because it is something that we can all do.
‘We don’t know what the future holds so just get out and try something and enjoy the fresh air.
‘Even just to sit and listen to the birds, hear the bees and see what’s going on, it’s just amazing.’
Join Tom’s Hidden Garden Facebook page.
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