Marking the Bard’s birthday at Scots garden centre

A garden centre is celebrating Burns Night with a day-long celebration of Scotland’s National Bard. And they’ve even tried their hand at writing a verse...

Six Scottish finalists for Britain in Bloom

Six Scottish communities are donning their gardening gloves as they prepare to battle it out in the Royal Horticultural Society’s (RHS) 2019 Britain in Bloom...

Grow your own pain relieving chillies at home

There's nothing quite like growing your own plants - especially if they can help with your health. We gave you five plants which can help...
Aloe Vera

Beat the winter blues with a touch of greenery

Who said you had to be blue this winter, when you can go green instead? Look to plants for your inspiration and surround yourself with...

There’s a lot to be said about allotments

At New Year many of us start to think about ways to improve ourselves and the world around us by growing our own organic fruit and vegetables. For...

Islands will be the trends in kitchens for 2019

Open plan kitchens continue to dominate kitchen designs where there’s space, with the majority of refurbishments and new builds opting for a kitchen that combines...
Hamish Martin50

Hamish Martin: ‘Ground Elder is a staple food source in our family – and it has fabulous benefits for wildlife’

This month gardening columnist Hamish Martin explains why seeing the shoots of Ground Elder unfurl is a spring delight, as he explores the many uses of this versatile...
Hamish Martin49

Hamish Martin: ‘I have always been grateful for cleavers, it’s the best at getting rid of the nasties and supporting the immune system’

This month gardening columnist Hamish Martin explains the healing properties of cleavers, or sticky willie as most of us know them, and why we should recognise...
SCHOTY 2024 FESTIVE FARMHOUSE Lesmahagow (Photographer Kirsty Anderson) (3)

Scotland’s Christmas Home of the Year revealed

A traditional Victorian home in Lesmahagow has been crowded the winner of Scotland's Christmas Home of the Year 2024. Interior designers Anna Campbell-Jones, Banjo Beale...
Baltersan Castle

Scottish castle visited by Robert Burns in line for £2 million restoration after being sold to new owner

A historic Scottish castle visited by Robert Burns could be in line for a major restoration after being sold to a new owner. Baltersan Castle is thought...

Meet the couple leaving a lasting legacy for a rare tree species on Arran

A couple with a passion for the rare Arran Whitebeam has left a legacy for the island through their work to help save the native...
Harry Watkins.

Life With St Andrew Botanic Gardens: ‘The answers to society’s biggest challenges all involve a different relationship with plants’

Harry Watkins, director of St Andrew Botanic Gardens, on growing up with gardeners as a child, experimenting with new ideas and how what we thought...
