Home inside ruin wins Scotland’s best building of the year
A house that has been set within a ruined old farm dwelling has won Scotland’s best building of the year.
Cuddymoss, in North Ayrshire, was designed by the Ann Nisbet studio, which said it wanted to preserve as much of the dilapidated ruin in the finished building as possible.
Few alterations have been made to the shell of the structure itself, so the home could be removed and the ruin reused by future generations.
Designed in collaboration with the homeowner, a passionate birdwatcher and wildlife enthusiast, the home welcomes a close connection with nature.
An old window ledge in the ruin has been left untouched to invite owls in to roost at night.
The owner said he felt more like a custodian of the building than its owner.
Inside the windows have been positioned in such a way that the landscape feels as if it’s entering the building.
Cuddymoss beat three other shortlisted buildings to win Rias’s Doolan award, which has been given to Scotland’s best building since 2002.
Judges from the Royal Incorporation of Architects in Scotland (RIAS) said they were impressed by the project’s respect for the ruin.
Along with the award the architects received £10,000.
‘Cuddymoss is an outstanding winner, combining Ann Nisbet Studio’s clear concept and design rigour with the client’s deep sense of responsibility to the building and its surrounding landscape,’ said RIAS president Chris Stewart.
‘The result is a beautiful building that works extremely well as a home, and is deeply respectful of the original building’s character, heritage and setting.’
Don’t miss the December issue of Scottish Field magazine.