American band connect with their Scots fans

It was the first visit to Scotland for the members of country band LANCO, but it was an incredible debut.

Opening the night with single Hallelujah Nights was a smart move on behalf of the band, a clear fan favourite that grabbed all attention in the room through familiarity, and the instrumental and vocal skill of the band members.

The high energy levels in the room were maintained over the next few numbers including Long Live Tonight and We Do.

Although at times the music was overly loud and interfered with the vocals, this was soon rectified. The lively atmosphere was tamed momentarily for more heartfelt performances of tracks Pick You Up and Singing at the Stars, which showcased frontman Brandon’s vocals on the more mellow tracks.

Midway through the show the band played new single Rival from their currently in-the-works and yet untitled sophomore album.

The performance was met with roaring support from the audience. When asked, the band members admitted that although they all have a favourite song to play live, this new song is great fun and hearing everyone in the crowd singing along to every ‘oh’ is a highlight of every show. ‘It’s a really unifying feeling when the whole crowd rallies behind that song with us and sings along.’

Crowd interaction and involvement were rife in the rocking set. For a well-crafted section full of cover songs, the band descended from the stage to mingle in the middle of the room with fans where they performed some of their favourite songs and mixed up different musical genres and stylings. The band’s rendition of The Killer’s classic hit Mr Brightside was met with raucous approval.

The main section of the night ended with a little attitude injected to the setlist with Troublemaker before the band sang themselves out to the love song Born to Love You.

The band returned for an encore to an eruption of applause, performing Greatest Love Story before graciously taking a bow and thanking the fans for being the reason the tour was possible.

So, will LANCO be back? ‘This UK tour made it so clear that we really do have a solid fan base over here, which is just insane to us,’ they said. ‘We’ll keep coming back as often as we can to play for you guys. We can’t wait to get back over here!’ they continued.

But I suppose the biggest and most burning question we all have right now is likely: is it true when artists say that a Scottish crowd is the best crowd? In short, yes.

‘All the crowds over here were so great, but you guys were extra loud and rowdy. Maybe it’s because you guys are professional drinkers?’

All in all, the show was highly successful leaving the crowd satisfied and ready for more.

Òran Mór, Glasgow.
