Dave and Callum Beattie at Mikeysline bench.
Dave and Callum Beattie at Mikeysline bench.

WATCH: Outlander stars Sam Heughan and Richard Rankin star in emotional Callum Beattie music video

Scots singer Callum Beattie has teamed up with Outlander icons Sam Heughan and Richard Rankin for a hard-hitting video in aid of a Scots suicide charity.

Callum’s new single Something In My Eye will raise funds for Mikeysline, and Sam and Richard jumped at the chance to star in the emotional video.

The black and white video sees Callum, manager Dave Rogers and members of the band, as well as the Hollywood actors, singing along with the emotive lyrics and breaking down.

And off camera the shoot was a sea of tears as the emotion of it all hit home.

‘It’s a really powerful video and an emotional thing for us all. The fact Sam and Richard were up for appearing with us really hit me,’ Callum said. 

‘It was an incredibly emotional day – there were a lot of tears. Mainly me and Dave.

‘These guys are huge stars all over the world and they came up specially to work with us and support Mikeysline.

‘Dave and I are proud to be ambassadors of the charity so it’s really special to be able to spread the word, show people it’s OK not to be OK and hopefully help more speak out rather than struggle in silence.’

The video was directed by Simon Baron-Hay, from the Black Isle, and it was all put together and driven by Michael Wilson who produces Outlander after he hit it off with the pair at a party.

Dave asked the actors and Michael if they’d help with the video and was stunned when they agreed to star in it – and Michael offered to direct.

‘Michael is an old friend of Callum’s family so asked if we’d play at their wrap party a few years ago, and everyone just hit it off,’ Dave said. 

‘I told Callum that I’d see if both Sam and Richard would be interested in doing something. He laughed and thought nothing else of it

‘Fast forward two years and when I made the call to tell him Sam and Richard would love to be in the video to support the charity, he thought I was winding him up.

‘It says a lot about the guys that they dropped everything to do this for the charity.’

The Highland mental health and suicide prevention charity, appointed Callum, alongside manager Dave Rogers, as an ambassador in March this year.

Mikeysline supports both adults and young people through 1:1 face to face and online support from their Hives, in schools, communities and with businesses, in addition to their text-based support first launched in 2015. 

All of the support provided by Mikeysline is on a confidential, non-judgemental basis for people of all ages and genders who need support  for their mental health, are in emotional distress or have thoughts of self-harm and/or suicide.

Callum and Dave suggested releasing the song to promote the charity and are donating profits from UK sales to Mikeysline.

The video was premiered at Belladrum this summer during Callum’s main stage set and a teaser on socials hit 250,000 views in 24 hours.

The single is the first from Callum as an independent artist and he’s currently recording a new album for self-release in 2025.

‘The song is all about mental health and the overwhelming feelings we sometimes experience. I’m really happy to be using this song to help Mikeysline to support as many people as possible,’ Callum said. 

‘I love that the guys are in the video showing their support for the charity – and their performances are incredible, watching them work was intense.

‘I feel very fortunate to have a career that allows me to use the power of music to enhance our human connections. 

‘My sincere hope is that this song will help even a tiny number of people to open up and talk.

‘Feeling bad or vulnerable is not a weakness. I know that these feelings are not permanent and can change. This experience can make you stronger.

‘Thanks so much to Sam, Richard, Simon and of course Michael – their involvement will help us reach so many people.’

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Plus, don’t miss the October issue of Scottish Field magazine.
