Whiskies Galore by Ian Buxton
Whiskies Galore by Ian Buxton

Book review: Whiskies Galore – A Tour of Scotland’s Island Distilleries

With nearly 30 years of experience in and around the whisky industry, Ian Buxton is well-placed when it comes to going on a tour of Scotland’s island distilleries.

From Arran to Orkney, he brings together his expert knowledge with entertaining travelogues, to make for a read that should appeal to more than just the connoisseurs of a fine dram.

Whiskies Galore by Ian Buxton

Some history is added for good measure, to put a context to the stories behind each distillery, to capture the characters and the colour behind each bottle.

Whiskies Galore: A Tour of Scotland’s Island Distilleries, by Ian Buxton, published by Bilinn, £16.99.
Scottish Field rating: ****
