Children’s wildlife drawing contest launched

GARDEN BirdWatch is marking its 25th anniversary with a drawing competition for children aged five to 11.

The British Trust for Ornithology’s (BTO’s) summer project includes watching, counting, drawing and writing.

The results from each year’s Garden BirdWatch are used by the BTO’s scientists to understand how British birds are faring and how gardens can be made more friendly for wildlife.

Debbie Lee, head of engagement at the BTO, said “We are excited to share BTO Garden BirdWatch with families and can’t wait to see the information and the drawings submitted to us.

“By showing how important and exciting our garden wildlife is, we hope that their fascination will carry on into adulthood, fostering an interest in nature and the importance of environmental science.”

Find out more on the BTO’s website.

And read more about Scotland’s birds and other creatures on Scottish Field’s wildlife pages.
