People who are out and about in Inverness after dark are set to find their way is slightly easier.
The Highland Council is to install illuminated bollards on the pedestrian pavements on either side of Ness Bridge to improve the levels of light for people walking over the bridge in the evenings and to compliment the ambience of the coloured lighting installed under the archways of the bridge.
Work to due to start on Tuesday, October 24, and will take around a week to complete.

New illuminated bollards are being added to the Ness Bridge in Inverness over the coming week
In order to ensure public safety while the work is carried out, there will be phased pedestrian management measures in place with the closure of one pedestrian footpath at a time. Public access to cross the bridge on foot will be available at all times.
Signposts will be in place giving the safe crossing options and the public are advised to follow the instructions in order to cross the bridge safely while the work is taking place.
The temporary restrictions will apply between the hours of 8am andn 6pm daily.