Families are being invited to cycle at the ‘speed of light’ to find out more about using pedal power to develop Healthy Habits in East Dunbartonshire.
A series of cycling events are being organised by East Dunbartonshire Council and partners – including evening bike rides and cycle schools, writes Imogen Lovie.
The events are proving to be very popular as the evening bike rides in Kirkintilloch and Bearsden and the weekend cycle school in Bearsden/Milngavie have already been fully booked.
The evening family cycle is supervised by experienced and qualified ride leaders and the cycles will last for around an hour. The route use off-road/quiet, safe streets and participants are being urged to decorate their bikes with lights or go along from 6.30pm to have free fairy lights fitted so they can be seen well.
Everyone who is planning to attend must be registered in advance via www.nightcycle.eventbrite.com.

Family night cycles are set to take place in East Dunbartonshire. (Picture: Flo Karr/Unsplash)
There are still places available at the following events starting at 7pm – on Saturday, November 11, in Bishopbriggs, meeting opposite Bishopbriggs Academy (Wester Cleddens Road) and on Saturday, November 25, meeting at Campsie Memorial Hall, Lennoxtown. More events will be offered after the Christmas break.
Free weekend cycle schools are also being held – offering people the chance to develop their skills in the saddle and also discover safe, local routes via a led cycle.
Sessions are aimed at children and families who can all currently ride a bike. Weekend cycle schools will run (10am-1pm) on Sunday, October 29, in Bishopbriggs at The Leisuredrome, G64 3HD or Saturday, November 4, meeting at Campsie Parish Church, G66 7DA and also on Sunday, November 5 in Kirkintilloch, meeting at The Luggie ash/ blaes pitch G66 3HA.
There will also be a qualified bike mechanic on site to check over your bike and refreshments will be provided. Visit www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/free-weekend-cycle-school-for-healthy-habits-tickets-38765005174?aff=es2 to secure a place.

East Dunbartonshire. Council is encouraging more people to take up cycling (Picture: Flo Karr/Unsplash)
The council has organised the events using Smarter Choices, Smarter Places funding – tying in with the ongoing Healthy Habits project.
Councillor Jim Gibbons, convener of the place, neighbourhood and corporate assets committee, said: ‘If you want to go along to the events make sure you register all participants online.
‘The Healthy Habits project – which is a Scottish Government Smarter Choices, Smarter Places initiative – is designed to encourage local people to walk and cycle more as part of their everyday journeys.
‘Pocket-sized route maps are available to download from the Council’s website, and there are helpful links and information.’
Visit www.eastdunbarton.gov.uk/residents/sport-leisure-parks/parks-gardens-and-open-spaces/healthy-habits-and-walking to find out more.
The council’s active travel strategy promotes projects making it easier to walk and safer to cycle, as well as encouraging the use of public transport.