Find yourself some gin-spired at an Aberdeen celebration of the drink
Tickets are selling fast for this year’s festival of gin in Aberdeenshire.
GIN:NE is being held on February 9 and 10, at Inverurie Town Hall.
Visitors will get to meet the makers of the gins and other drinks, sample their offerings as well as be able to purchase direct from them.
There will also be the Black Bull Bar where they can redeem admission tokens for a full perfect pour of their preferred G&T and the Inverurie Whisky Shop will be on hand to help and supply visitors with even more choices of drinks.

GIN:NE takes place in early February
Already, there a large number of exhibitors have signed up, including the Orkney Gin Company, Lone Wolf, GlenWyvis, El:gin, Granite North, Esker Spirits, Badachro Distillery and Bon Accord Soft Drinks.
Duncan’s Gin will also be exhibiting at GIN:NE. Duncan’s Scottish Gin is created with a small selection of Scottish botanicals picked from the Cairngorm National Park. Each botanical represents a colour found in the Duncan Tartan. This includes juniper, Douglas fir, rosehip, bog myrtle, sweet cicely and spear thistle.
A number of masterclasses will be taking place. These are –
Session one, 9 February: 7pm, Lone Wolf Spirits; 8pm Twin River & DUSK Cocktail; 9pm, Isle of Harris Gin.

Inverurie Town Hall will host GIN:NE
Session two, 10 February: 1pm, Twin River & DUSK Cocktail; 2pm, Twin River & DUSK Cocktail; 3pm, Teasmiths Gin.
Session three, 10 February – 7pm, El-Gin; 8pm, Lost Loch Distillery Absinthe – Meet the Green Fairy; 9pm, Shetland Reel Gin.
Tickets are £5 each, including full measure serve. These are available at the box office on the day.
Event tickets are now selling faster in the run-up to GIN:NE, with fewer than 30% left.
If you still need to get tickets then click HERE, or alternatively, but in person from the Inverurie Whisky Shop.