Fishing set to return

The Scottish Gamekeepers Association has welcomed reports that the Scottish Government is set to ease some restrictions on local area angling when it sets out its framework and timetable for changes to lockdown on Thursday.  

“We would welcome a return to local area angling and outlined to Ministers last week how we feel this may be done safely, minimising the risk of Covid-19 transmission,” said a spokesman for The SGA Fishing Group. “We await to see what Thursday’s announcement brings- and the Government’s timetable for any changes – but allowing a limited and staged opening of fisheries to local anglers would see people benefitting from the physical and mental health benefits of getting outside and into nature.

“Angling is a solitary sport and can be carried out with minimal, if any, contact with others. Social distancing is achieved very easily. Obviously, public health must continue to be the principal concern nationwide but we see no reason why local area angling cannot be compatible with that goal.”
