Sutherland could be the location for new Scottish satellite centre
The Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) will give a presentation to the Sutherland County committee, writes Gemma Corbett.
Sutherland has the potential of becoming a location for a vertical launch centre for satellites.

Satellites could be launched from Sutherland
The meeting will be held at the council offices in Drummie on Tuesday, 27 February at 10.30am, where members of the public are welcome to come along and listen.
The public will not be able to ask questions or discuss any of the items during the meeting.
Roy Kirk of HIE said that the team has been considering Sutherland as a possible location for the centre for a couple of years, in which time they have been holding meetings with UK Space Agency (UKSA) and with companies who could invest and use the facility.
He said: ‘This is a lengthy and detailed exercise that will take serval years to come to fruition. However Sutherland meets the criteria for satellite launches and as the region’s economic development agency, we are clearly interested in investigating any project that has the potential to create skilled and well paid employment, and generate wider economic and community benefits.

The UK Space Agency want to launch satellites from the north of Scotland
‘At the same time, it’s important that we understand all of the impacts a development such as this could have.’
The Moine in Sutherland is one of the three possible locations which the UKSA are currently considering, including others in Shetland and the Outer Hebrides.
Lisa Munro, chair of the committee said: ‘This is an important topic and I know local people and other interested parties will want to fully understand the proposal and its implications.
‘Should it progress to formal planning, it’s also vital local people are able to access full information and have a say through public consultation and I know members will be very happy to hear people’s views should a planning application be made.’