Meetings set to be held to encourage more Scottish tree planting
Borders farmers and landowners are being invited to forestry talks in the next two weeks.
Forestry Commission Scotland is hosting three evening talks in the Scottish Borders aimed at encouraging farmers and land owners to integrate tree planting into their business.
The free talks will also provide information on the attractive forestry grants now available to help support tree planting and woodland management.
The forestry talks are to be held between 7-9pm at:
• Wednesday, 31 January, Eddleston Village Hall;
• Wednesday, 7 February, Morebattle Village Hall; and
• Wednesday, 14 February, Stow Town Hall.
Doug Howieson, Forestry Commission Scotland’s conservator for South Scotland said: ‘The Scottish Government is looking to increase tree planting to help mitigate climate change and to secure timber supplies and jobs for the future.
‘Forestry is a long-term business and it takes time to think through woodland creation ideas and turn them into approved grant applications. The three evening talks will explain the process and help farmers and land managers fully understand what financial support is available.

Borders farmers and landowners are being invited to Forestry Commission Scotland talks
‘We would welcome all to attend and hope that the talks will encourage land owners to start the process of planning for more woodlands and shelterbelts on their land.
‘The three evening talks will be an informative two hours, over three consecutive Wednesday evenings. There will be time afterwards for breakout discussions and to arrange free farm site visits.’
The topics for discussion will include a full summary of the Forestry Grants Scheme and what grants are available for woodland creation in particular. Also covered will be the benefits of woodland planting on farms, and the sequence of events that needs to be considered from early ideas to an approved grant contract.
Forestry Commission Scotland will be supported by the Tweed Forum at the evening talks. The Forum has extensive experience in riparian and native woodland planting to prevent flooding.
Over the three evening sessions, Forestry Commission Scotland will be raffling a magnificent chainsaw carved perched eagle made of Western Red Cedar, which has been made by champion carver Peter Bowsher. All the £5 raffle tickets will go towards Tree Aid Africa.
Those interested in attending one of these evening talks should contact the Forestry Commission on 0300 067 6007, or email southscotland.cons@forestry.gsi.gov.uk .