A major new arts project for the people of North Lanarkshire has been announced.
Over the next six months the National Theatre of Scotland will be working with CultureNL and North Lanarkshire Council on a large-scale exciting arts project entitled Shift, writes Imogen Lovie.
There will be public performances which include six free trailblazer events which will be taking place in various locations in December 2017. The project will culminate in a series of large-scale performances, involving a community and professional cast at a surprise location in March 2018.
A National Theatre of Scotland team of leading artists will work with CultureNL staff to collect stories and insights from people in North Lanarkshire which will be transformed throughout the project into art works along with National Theatre of Scotland associate director Simon Sharkey leading the project.

The launch of SHIFT – a major new arts project in North Lanarkshire by National Theatre of Scotland in partnership with CultureNL and North Lanarkshire Council (Photo: Julie Howden)
Councillor Heather McVey, chair of CultureNL said: ‘We are excited that a National Theatre of Scotland team of artists will work with Culture NL arts, venues and heritage teams, museums and libraries, to go to the heart of communities throughout North Lanarkshire.’
Talent from all across North Lanarkshire will be creatively harnessed to contribute to the project, including local choirs, writing, video and arts groups, and youth theatres, all of whom will be involved in creating stories, songs, artworks and exhibitions as part of the project and the final performances.
Councillor Paul Kelly, depute leader of North Lanarkshire Council, added: ‘Shift is an exciting and ambitious project which will reflect on the changing nature of the economic landscape in our area and the impact which this has had on the communities and people who live here.’