Nicola Benedetti prepares 7,000 musicians for online concert

VIOLINIST Nicola Benedetti is preparing for a busy weekend as the first “Virtual Benedetti Session” reach crescendo.

More than 7,000 budding musicians in 66 countries have taken part in online tutorials and workshops over the past three weeks, which will culminate in a performance at 4pm on Sunday via YouTube.

Pieces scheduled for the concert include an abridged version of Vaughan Williams’ Fantasia on a Theme by Thomas Tallis, Warlock’s Capriol Suite, and Tchaikovsky’s Souvenir de Florence.

The online training sessions have been organised by The Benedetti Foundation, which had held its first face-to-face workshops in Dundee, Glasgow and London in the weeks leading up to the lockdowns.

Nearly 3,000 pupils and 350 teachers took part in the inaugural events.

Benedetti said: ‘The past three weeks has been an overwhelming experience for us all at the foundation – from the enormous numbers that signed-up, to witnessing the dedication and perseverance people have shown towards this process.

“Playing instruments is difficult; making music and being expressive, exposing our vulnerabilities and taking a risk, especially in front of people or sending it out into the world is difficult.

“Even though I don’t know many of the people who have participated, I am deeply proud of each and every person and I hope that everyone has enjoyed the experience, learnt a great deal, and now feels inspired to continue with their musical journey whatever stage they might be at.

“The brilliant team at the foundation have all learnt so much and have loved this process we have embarked on together.”

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