HOLLYWOOD heartthrob Sam Heughan has spoken about his time as a pupil at the Edinburgh Steiner School during a new online video interview.
The star of Outlander, the television series based on the historical fantasy books by Diana Gabaldon, said: “The Steiner education gives you this understanding about the world; that you are not being channelled into one direction of education.
“Your life isn’t panned out.
“I always just felt like it was going to be okay.”

Sam Heughan during his time at the Edinburgh Steiner School.

Another picture from Sam Heughan’s time at the Edinburgh Steiner School.
Nick Brett, chair of management at the Edinburgh Steiner School, added: “At Steiner’s, teachers teach to the whole child, addressing all the multiple intelligences, including emotional literacy and kinaesthetic learning, while bringing into balance the right and left hemispheres of the brain.
“This develops analytical, logical and reasoning skills as education has always done, but also focuses on the development of imagination, creativity, memory, and flexible-thinking – skills highly prized in today’s society.
“You cannot teach a future society providing whatever life throws at it, but you can educate it to recognise the need to collaborate with neighbours, to maintain resilience, to be philanthropic, to cultivate resources that become crucial elements of life, for instance right now during covid.
“Resources are formed out of an ethos and concern for wellbeing and creative thinking.”
You can read Heughan’s exclusive interview with Scottish Field at https://www.scottishfield.co.uk/culture/film-tv/outlander-star-sam-heughan-talks-to-scottish-field/