The Scottish Friendly Children’s Book Tour is to bring award-winning author and illustrator Ed Vere to schools in East Dunbartonshire, West Dunbartonshire and North Ayrshire.
From October 23 to 27, Ed will be speaking to children about tolerance through the power of picture books, the event will feature wonderful interactive storytelling and draw-along activities. The tour is sponsored by Scottish Friendly and run by Scottish Book Trust, writes Imogen Lovie.
Ed Vere’s books include the renowned Max series, featuring the fearless kitten Max, Banana and Bedtime for Monsters. The first book in this series, Max the Brave, was a New York Times bestseller and was listed in the Sunday Times ‘100 Modern Children’s Classics’.
In 2009, Ed’s book Mr Big was selected for the Booktrust’s first Booktime programme and 750,000 copies were sent to schools across the UK. Ed’s books encourage readers to think about friendship, tolerance and sharing.
Ed’s latest book, Grumpy Frog, features a frog who is not grumpy at all. He loves hopping and winning, and he really loves green, not pink. But when – horror of horrors – a pink rabbit hops into view, can grumpy frog learn to compromise, develop friendships and apologise for his terrible tantrums?

Ed Vere is an award-winning and New York Times bestselling author and illustrator
Ed said: “I’m thrilled to be on the road for an exciting week of reading and drawing with children in schools around Scotland.”
David Strain, Scottish Friendly’s community manager, said: “We are very excited and look forward to having Ed join us on tour for the first time. Ed is certain to deliver powerful and thought-provoking ideas to pupils, as well as inspiring them with his amazing illustrations.”
Marc Lambert, CEO of Scottish Book Trust, added: “We are really looking forward to visiting schools with Ed Vere and the Scottish Friendly tour. This is a wonderful opportunity for pupils to meet an author and illustrator whose stories are excellent examples of friendship and tolerance. It’s also a great chance for the pupils to learn how to draw Ed’s well-known characters, and create their own stories.”
On Monday, October 23, he will be in West Dunbartonshire at Jamestown Primary School and Bonhill Primary School.
The next day, he will be in East Dunbartonshire’s Craigdhu Primary School, then in the afternoon will be in West Dunbartonshire to visit St Eunan’s Primary School.
On Wednesday, October 25, he will be back in East Dunbartonshire, at Balmuildy and Lennoxtown Primary Schools. Ed travels to North Ayrshire on Thursday, October 26, to visit St Mark’s and St Anthony’s Primary Schools, both in Irvine, then will visit St Winning’s and St Bridget’s primaries, also both in North Ayrshire.
The Scottish Friendly Children’s Book Tour, organised by Scottish Book Trust, has been running for 19 fruitful years. It tours throughout Scotland’s urban, rural and remote communities and visits every single Scottish local authority on a three-year cycle. Every year the tour also brings the best writers in Scotland to England, to inspire pupils.