Sensational video shows off Edinburgh with daring stunts

A video showing the sights of Edinburgh has become a massive internet hit.

But it’s not your standard tourist trip through the city, as it shows cyclists taking on free runners in a variety of landmarks throughout the capital.

The race begins at Edinburgh Castle, and are asked by tourists for the best way to Arthur’s seat, but the group disagree, with the cyclists saying they should go down the Royal Mile, but the parkour enthusiasts suggest they go by the Grassmarket, leading to a race between the groups.

The video was made by Superteamtramp, in partnership with VisitScotland.

Familiar sights on the Royal Mile and the Grassmarket appear, as well as the Scottish Parliament building, as the runners and cyclists perform some breathtaking stunts.

Commenting on the video, IcompilationTV said: ‘Never clicked, and liked, a video so fast! ‘

American viewer Landon Cramer added: ‘The visuals were awesome! One of my favorites in a while.’

And Jaivardhan Deshwal agreed: ‘Gotta visit Scotland. Damn awesome.’

Stef Lúthien commented: ‘The parkour was looking kinda dangerous haha, I imagine me trying that and getting hurt very badly. It is always amazing to see what people can do. But you are also worrying about them.

And Brogan_Trials said: ‘This is brilliant as a trials rider from Scotland I love this.’

But Rosshutch joked: ‘Being from Edinburgh this made no sense with the directions. They were going just teleporting around Edinburgh, nowhere near Arthur’s Seat.’
