Universities mark Adam Smith tercentenary

THE second lecture in a series to mark the tercentenary of Scottish economist Adam Smith takes place in the United States.

Sam Peltzman, who is the Ralph & Dorothy Keller distinguished service professor of economics at the Booth School of Business, will deliver the lecture in Chicago.

His talk follows the inaugural event in the “Smith Around the World” series, which was delivered last month by a panel of contributors at the Indian Institute of Management.

“I am deeply honoured to participate in the University of Glasgow’s celebration of Adam Smith’s birthday,” Peltzman said.

“Of course, he had an enduring influence on economics and economic policy. His work is perhaps more relevant today than any time since I first encountered it.”

Lectures in the coming weeks are scheduled to take place at the University of Oxford, the Australian National University, and Duke University.

Professor Graeme Roy, dean of external relations at the University of Glasgow, which has organised the series, said: “’Smith Around the World’ is an excellent opportunity for us to connect and engage international peers in celebrating the work, life and impact of our famous alumnus, and to bring Adam Smith into the conversations we are having around the globe about the challenges we all face today.

“Our inaugural event in Indore has already demonstrated how different countries will bring their own perspectives and conversations to bear around Smith’s ideas.

“This will be further explored by Professor Peltzman, who intends to discuss misinterpretations of Smith in American politics, and his relevance in modern economics.

“We hope that the learning will continue to inform thinking and policy and across the world, with regards to Smith and beyond.”

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