Urgent Appeal for PPE Donations
MedSupplyDriveUK Scotland, a volunteer group of NHS doctors, medical students and allies, are urgently appealing for personal protective equipment (PPE) to be donated directly to local healthcare facilities in order to protect frontline NHS staff and their patients, plus those in GP hubs and care homes.
In particular are looking for the following: Alpha Solway 3030V FFP3 mask, 3M 8833 FFP3 masks, FFP3 Respirators (eg. MOLDEX 9000 Full Face Mask + ABEK1P3R Filters, Medium), FFP3 Masks (conforming to EN149:2001), FFP3 Mask fit testing kits, non-latex gloves, goggles, medical/surgical gowns, visors, Tyvek/hazmat suits.

The PPE donations can make a difference to those working and receiving care on the frontline.
If you are an organisation, business or individual who has access to any PPE that you could donate, please email scotland@medsupplydrive.org.uk or contact MedSupplyDriveUK Scotland via their website www.medsupplydrive.org.uk/scotland