Veterans with sight loss given taste of hills

VETERANS who have lost part of their sight are being given the chance to continue their passion for hillwalking thanks to virtual reality (VR).

Jason Turnbull, who works at charity Sight Scotland Veterans’ Hawkhead centre in Paisley, has been shooting 360-degree photographs during his walks on Scotland’s hills.

He then shows the images to the veterans in the centre using VR goggles.

“I had previous experience with VR headset, so I was very keen to try it at Hawkhead, ” he explained.

“I watched 360-degree videos on YouTube and thought to myself ‘I can do better than that’. So, I bought a 360-degree camera and took it up the hills with me.

“I then began showing the veterans who are keen hillwalkers, and those who weren’t, the footage and there was a very positive reaction. They said it was ‘like being back on the hills’.”

He added: “I thought I am on to something here, so I have been going around as many Munros as I can so they can come with me.

“I am starting with the centrally located ones, in and around Crianlarich, like Ben More and Stob Binnein.

“I edit the footage and show the veterans when I come back, and they are saying it is absolutely unbelievable.

“It’s reawakening something in them – it is so rewarding to watch them and see their reaction.

“Perhaps it has been many years since they’ve climbed that hill, but they realise where they are.

“The VR allows them to revisit somewhere that was special to them. It triggers all those memories and sparks positive feelings within them.”

Noreen Smith, a former army nurse who has macular degeneration and who regularly attends Sight Scotland Veterans’ Hawkhead centre, said: “The VR is just wonderful, it is just like you are back there again, it brings back so many happy memories for me.

“I can see the whole landscape, all the tremendous views, it really is like I am walking up the hills again.”

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