Moonlight swim challenge at Loch Lomond

Wild swimmers are being offered the chance to take part in a moonlit swim at Loch Lomond.

Inchbaggers Island Swims is to host a Moonlight Challenge for outdoor swimmers with the opportunity to take part in a series of night-time swims in Loch Lomond throughout the year.

Suitable for beginners and experienced swimmers, the Moonlight swims will take place at sundown on Luss Beach on various dates starting from 14 June each month until 8 December.

Enthusiasts can sign up to take part in the New Moon Challenge which can feature one moonlight swim, a Quarter Moon Challenge which is four swims, a Half Moon Challenge which is six swims, or the Full Moon Challenge which is twelve swims.

Each event will last two hours, and medals will be presented.

The event will be led by experienced UK outdoor swim coach Chris Sifleet who said: ‘The backdrop of Loch Lomond is particularly spectacular in the moonlight and the challenge provides a magical opportunity to enjoy a special moment as well as try something different.

‘Safety is always paramount, and we will have kayakers in place to avert any risk and swimmers will be graded according to their ability.

‘For many people lockdown has been the time when they have turned to outdoor swimming to lift their spirits and meet a community of like-minded people. The Moonlight Challenge enables them to push themselves that bit further as well as have a really great time and meet new people.’

All swimmers will be required to have an illuminated tow float to participate.

The Moonlight Challenge Swims will take place on 14 June, 13 July, 12 August, 10 September, 9 October, 8 November and 8 December. The swims costs from £35 for one swim to £290 for all 12 swims and can be registered HERE.

With more than 42 years’ experience as an open water swimmer, Chris Sifleet is Scotland’s most experienced coach and the founder of Inchbaggers who provide organised swims to some of Loch Lomond’s islands.

Different challenges are available for beginners, improvers and experienced open water swimmers and at the end of each island swim participants are presented with a medal. Open water swimming classes are also held every Sunday morning at 10am at Luss Beach with swims graded according to ability. Further information is available from
