New plan to boost glamping in Loch Lomond national park

A major drive is underway in Scotland’s first National Park to capitalise on the growth in the popularity of glamping.

The prolonged spell of good summer weather has contributed to a bumper tourist season in and around the Loch Lomond and the Trossachs National Park, but it has highlighted a shortage of certain types of accommodation, including glamping (glamorous camping) facilities, which enable visitors to get close to nature and enjoy the National Park at its best.

To address this, the Friends of Loch Lomond and the Trossachs, the independent conservation and heritage charity for the National Park, is launching an exciting new initiative as part of a wider ecotourism project to encourage new or existing businesses to invest in glamping facilities.

Glamping is rapidly growing in popularity with more and more visitors wanting to get back to nature and enjoy authentic experiences staying in unusual or unique, but comfortable, accommodation in a safe environment.

The Friends, with support from Scottish Enterprise, will host two Glamping Business Workshops on Tuesday 4 and Wednesday 5 September in Balloch and Callander. The seminars will run from 10am through to 2pm.

Led by renowned glamping expert Kate Morel, these workshops are for any individual or business considering setting up a small to medium glamping business. Kate is an industry specialist who is also an author, speaker and business advisor in the sector. Online workbooks prepared specially for the seminars by leading glamping operators, Canopy and the Stars, will also be available for seminar participants.

James Fraser, chairman of the Friends, said: ‘These seminars are designed to provide very practical insights to the glamping industry and to help encourage the development of more glamping facilities in the National Park building on the runaway success of some recent local glamping business ventures that we plan to feature as case studies.

‘This is one of the most exciting and fastest growing sectors of the tourist industry at the present time as visitors seek out more unique and rustic holiday experiences and, given the special scenic and natural heritage qualities of the National Park, there is great potential for new start up businesses or existing businesses to capitalise on this growth by developing much sought after glamping facilities.’

A number of one to one surgeries are also available as part of the new glamping initiative.

For further details of the seminars and surgeries and to book places email or click HERE.

The Friends of Loch Lomond and the Trossachs was established in 1978 and is the only independent conservation and heritage charity working solely to protect, promote and provide projects and services for the area covered by the Loch Lomond and the Trossachs National Park.
