Sharing knowledge and educating others in the ways of rural Scotland is a vital part of traditional Scottish business.
The Scottish Rural Awards is looking for Scottish firms, based in the countryside, which play their part in educating the broader community.
Education is vital to a productive, progressive society. The Scottish Rural Awards is mindful of the many forms which education may take, and aims to champion these at every possible opportunity.
This category’s reach is not limited to formal education; vocational learning is of particular interest to the Scottish Rural Awards judges.
The education category welcomes entries relating to all styles and levels of both formal and informal education: schools, colleges and universities; youth clubs or groups; and employers who place a strong emphasis on vocational training through apprenticeships or other similar schemes.
The judges are looking for evidence that nominees have helped to develop and preserve skills for future generations in rural Scotland.
The judges will be asking the following: How has the nominee worked to provide opportunities and training for young people and adults? Has the nominee used education to drive forward real, positive social change?

The Royal Northern Countryside Initiative, based in Aberdeen, won first prize in the 2018 education category
At the 2018 event, The Royal Northern Countryside Initiative, based in Aberdeen, who won first prize in the education category.
The judges felt that the Royal Northern Countryside Initiative was an important Scottish business, offering a multitude of free services without any aid from national level financial backing.
They were also impressed by the growth of runner-up Ringlink, who are Laurencekirk-based, which has progressed from a company focusing entirely on agriculture into a diverse business which now includes innovative training services.
Breadalbane Academy in Aberfeldy picked up a highly commended award – the judging panel were impressed by their Rural Skills course, which helps children learn a variety of outdoor activities.
For more information, and to nominate, click HERE.