Credit: RSPB Images

Tagged hen harrier disappears ‘in suspicious circumstances’ in Angus

RSPB Scotland is investigating the 'suspicious' disappearance of a tagged hen harrier - the fourth tagged bird to have disappeared in the area since 2017....
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Ruined township on Isle of Skye discovered under 1977 tree plantation

The ruins of a township dating from the 17th or 18th centuries have been revealed on the Isle of Skye. Remains of houses, byres, barns...
All pictures credit: Trees for Life

Search for Scotland’s lost ice age pinewoods begins

They are home to wild Scots pines with an ancestry that can be traced back to the end of the last ice age.  But now...

Scotland’s chough population could be lost forever experts warn

The red-billed chough is clinging on in its last Scottish stronghold on the islands of Islay and Colonsay, with barely 50 pairs remaining. And now...

Watch: Crown actors Dominic West and Jim Murray explore salmon fishing on the River Deveron

Watch as The Crown actors Dominic West and Jim Murray discover what is being done to help wild Atlantic salmon numbers in the River Deveron....
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Bear that survived war in Ukraine arrives in Scotland to start new life

He survived the war and was saved from an abandoned zoo in Ukraine, and now Yampil - an Asiatic Black Bear - has arrived at...
