St Mary’s Music School announce new Director of Music

St Mary’s Music School has announced a new Director of Music.

During the school’s 50th anniversary year, John Cameron acted as interim director and has now been offered the job on a permanent basis.

He will hold responsibility for all music activities at the school, oversee programme creation, internal and external events and performances alongside staff and pupil recruitment.

St Mary’s, Scotland’s only specialist music school, has also appointed Robert Baxter as Artistic Director.

Prolific conductor and brass player, Robert was the creative lead for RSNO’s All Together Now.

‘In this exciting new role as the Director of Music at St. Mary’s Music School, I embark on a journey of innovation and purpose,’ said John.

‘My mission is to craft a diverse program that ignites the spark of excellence in our pupils.

‘Despite the challenges of a rapidly evolving musical landscape, we stand tall, working at the highest level with remarkable results.

‘I’m deeply humbled by the opportunity to help shape the future of music education, not only within the school but also in our broader community.

‘The challenges are opportunities, and I’m honoured to lead a team that consistently strives for excellence.

‘As I step into this new role, I recognize the deep-rooted values that make this institution special, and I’m eager to contribute to its legacy.’

Robert said: ‘My aspiration is for our pupils to not only excel in their craft but to truly love what they do.

‘I believe that a profound passion for music can have a transformative impact on people’s lives, and I intend to instil in our students the importance of sharing that passion.

‘Together, we’ll explore how music can be a powerful force for positive change.’

The next opportunity to see St Mary’s Music School perform is at the annual Christmas Concert on 18 December.

Don’t miss the December issue of Scottish Field magazine.
