A fantastic fusion of French and Scottish cuisine

Scottish Field continues to bring you recipes with a difference this week from Scot Jill Colonna in Paris – and today, it’s a fusion of Scottish and French cuisine.

Jill, who runs the MadAboutMacarons.com website, lives with her husband and family in France, having moved across the channel in 1992.

Today, she presents her recipe for Smoked Tea Beurre Blanc Salmon.

Jill said: ‘I’m going savoury for teatime with an easy yet sophisticated Smoked Tea Beurre Blanc Salmon.

‘It’s an Auld Alliance marriage made in heaven; it’s where saucy France hugs Scottish salmon on a plate. Good fresh organic salmon fillets are gently pan fried and served with a rich French sauce.

‘However, instead of the classic beurre blanc lemon sauce, I’ve replaced it with a glossy, subtle smoky sauce that doesn’t overpower the salmon but adds that je ne sais quoi with a simple Lapsang Souchong teabag.

‘Serve this with lightly sautéd leeks in olive oil and healthy roast potatoes in olive oil and thyme. Simply chop up washed, unpeeled potatoes (e.g. Charlotte) into cubes and place in a non-stick roasting tin dribbled with a little olive oil, freshly chopped thyme and season with fleur de sel salt and freshly ground pepper. Roast at 210°C/190°C fan/410°F/Gas 6 for 30 minutes, turning them twice during cooking.

‘Normally I’d throw in a few garlic cloves still in their skins (en chemise), but for this dish it’s best to leave it out so not to overpower the salmon.’
