Dunstaffnage Castle (Photo: Vadim Boussenko/Shutterstock)
Dunstaffnage Castle (Photo: Vadim Boussenko/Shutterstock)

10 fascinating facts about… Oban and Argyll

Situated on Scotland’s scenic west coast, Oban is known as the Gateway to the Isles.

With its name being derived from its Gaelic name An t-Òban, which means The Little Bay, the titular bay is a perfect horseshoe shape that offers spectacular views as the sun sets.

Oban is a great place for tourists heading to the islands of the Inner and Outer Hebrides to stop off, and here’s 10 fascinating facts bout the town.

Oban holds the world record for the longest Strip the Willow: in July 2011 around 2,000 people stretched around the town’s harbour.

Bonawe Iron Furnace was built just north of Taynuilt in 1753. In 1781 it produced 42,000 cannonballs.

During the Cold War, the first Transatlantic Telephone Cable came ashore at Gallanach Bay, Oban. This carried the hotline between the US and USSR presidents.

Oban was a small village with just a few fishermen’s cottages in the early 1700s. When the Oban Distillery opened in 1794, it all changed as the town grew. It remains one of the oldest and smallest distilleries in Scotland.

Approximately 17.5% of the population of Argyll and Bute lives on an island.

Measuring 41 kilometres end-to-end, Loch Awe is the longest freshwater loch in Scotland.

Dunstaffnage Castle (Photo: Vadim Boussenko/Shutterstock)

Dunstaffnage Castle, at the mouth of Loch Etive, once held the Stone of Destiny before it was removed to Scone Palace.

Oban FC’s first Scottish Cup appearance was in the 1885-86 season. They were beaten 9-1 by Vale of Teith.

In 1249 Alexander II of Scotland died of fever on the Island of Kerrera.

Inveraray has become a major tourist spot since 2004, when legislation made it mandatory for coach drivers to stop for a break every two hours, the time it takes to reach the town from Glasgow.
