A chance to attend dinner with Michelle Obama

Scottish school pupils have the chance to win a table at a dinner which will be addressed by Michelle Obama.

The Hunter Foundation has launched a competition inviting youngsters to submit a short essay, video, picture or poem for the chance to win a table at the upcoming Hunter Foundation dinner with the former First Lady.

In the Year of Young People, ahead of Michelle Obama’s visit to Scotland, the Hunter Foundation (THF) invites school pupils to submit their entry on the theme: ‘If I ruled Scotland the one thing I’d change to enable more young people to succeed would be… and why that’s so important.’

Sir Tom Hunter, founder of The Hunter Foundation, said: ‘We want to showcase the brightest talent in Scotland and the greatest ideas to support young people to be all they can be – no doubt young people know precisely what’s needed but are rarely asked, hence this challenge.’

The winning submission will be invited to attend the dinner, featuring former First Lady Michelle Obama in Edinburgh on July 17 at the EICC.

The winner will receive a table of 10 on the night, including an accompanying adult and/or teacher. All entries will be published online.

Entries should be submitted electronically to schools@thehunterfoundation.co.uk by June.

Hosted by the philanthropy, The Hunter Foundation, all profits from the event will be invested in hundreds of charities across Scotland.
