An excellent Ecclefechan butter tart recipe

Today we present a delicious recipe for dessert, from French chef, the former owner of the Silver Darling restaurant at Aberdeen harbour.

Didier Dejean opened his seafood restaurant The Silver Darling in 1986, having previously worked in Paris before following a colleague to Aberdeen.

As the oil industry developed, things changed. ‘Before the oil, Aberdeen was like a big village,’ Didier says, ‘and  then, boom, the oil arrived, and thousands of people came with new ideas and it changed a lot.’

The original emphasis on fresh, local produce is still in place today. Inspiration for new dishes comes from travel and eating out. ‘If you go to a restaurant, you take a little idea from a dish and then you do the dish in your own way,’ Didier says. ‘I like to eat out, but I try not to go to the same places. The problem in Aberdeen now is there are a lot of chains.’

(This recipe was originally published in 2016. Didier has since sold the Silver Darling)
