Highland zoo aiming to breed Sumatran tigers

Scotland’s Highland Wildlife Park is back on the small screen tonight.

BBC Scotland series Inside the Zoo features senior keeper Gareth has a busy day weighing and feeding all the snakes. There’s an enclosure to prepare for four new leaf tailed geckos and Hannibal the Argentinean tegu gets a trip out for some target training.

Vet Simon and his team give an elderly zebra a general anaesthetic so that they can trim her hooves and treat a possible dental abscess that needs an x-ray.

The first tentative steps are taken to begin breeding the Sumatran tigers, Dharma and Lucu. After a rocky start they seem to be getting used to each other.

At Highland Wildlife Park, staff are devastated after the much loved musk ox, Myse, unexpectedly dies. Vets Ellie and Alice undertake a post mortem to discover why he died.

As the staff come to terms with Myse’s death, routine work feeding and caring for the animals continues and senior keeper Judith takes the chance to do some training with Kitty the red panda.

Episode eight of Inside the Zoo will air on Monday, December 13, on BBC Scotland, 8-9pm.

