The Grand Central Hotel receipt from 1947
The Grand Central Hotel receipt from 1947

Search underway for owner of 1947 hotel receipt

A famous Scottish hotel is trying to find the owner of a receipt for a stay at there – in 1947!

A guest at the Grand Central Hotel in Glasgow last week got in touch with staff, and showed them an item in their possession – a room receipt for a J Johnston from 1947, when the room cost the pricely sum of £2.12.

The receipt has turned yellow through the ravages of time, but looking at it, it’s clear to see the room and associated services cost £2.12.

The Grand Central Hotel, located at Glasgow Central Station, first opened its doors in April 1907.

The hotel has hosted some famous residents such as Frank Sinatra, Winston Churchill and Gene Kelly, to name a few.

The Grand Central Hotel receipt from 1947

A spokesman for the Grand Central Hotel said: ‘The guest showed the receipt to a member of housekeeping who then took the image and sent it to a friend in the sales team.

‘We would like the owner of the receipt to come forward, as this is a fantastic piece of history from our hotel.’

To celebrate this walk down memory lane, The Grand Central Hotel is issuing a call out for any guests who may have receipts or memorabilia from a stay at the hotel before during or before 1947 in order to win a stay on a date of their choice (subject to availability).

All they have to do is send an image of the item to to enter – the competition closes 15 April, terms and conditions apply.
