Friday March 25th – Well she says they are getting boring again, can’t read them without yawning, he says what do you expect, he has had toothache for two weeks and has lost his sense of humour, can’t eat properly so making up for it by overdosing on ice cream, not even losing any weight therefore, anyway tooth nearly better, much poorer though so sense of humour still elusive, she says he never had one anyway and why hasn’t she been invited to write a guest blog, he says she will just be rude so he won’t give her the password, ha ha! He’s going to take advantage of the absence of racing in the North next week and take the elder two away for a few days (the eldest hasn’t had a holiday for 2 years – her fault for not seeing the main reason for being a student), she says what, again? so she is going to spend as much money as possible in Scotland for a few days, he says it’s cheaper being on holiday than doing his day job because he can fly 3 to Geneva and back for less than it costs to fill the thirsty one up with diesel and that happens rather a lot, she says who’s calling who the thirsty one?
So, if we can afford to fill the big thirsty one up with diesel we will send four horses to the Lanark point-to-point tomorrow and run them if the ground is OK, they should all have a chance if the riders don’t give everyone else too much of a start. After that it will be a quiet time until Newcastle next Friday where we have a wide range of entries but will be hoping for a decent drop of rain, (but not too much!) then we will be bypassing the Berwickshire p2p but will hopefully have a few runners at Kelso on Monday 4th. Today we enjoyed a joint visit first lot from Rebecca Rickets of Scottish Racing and Stuart Earley of the SSPCA, the horses mainly did slow steady work on the grass and a few of the pointers schooled over fences – they all seem well and then some of them enjoyed a spell in the field.
Fabby Frank’s cross with me too for not giving out his Cheltenham figures, the independently audited returns to a £10e/w stake on his first two “system” selections produced a profit of £698 at Tote returns or £707.80 at Betfair SP after commission, so there says he, I say why muddle it all up with your own “tips” just give us the stats!

Alflora 2007 ex Minora

Isla Patriot

Four Fiddlers and Isla Patriot

The Buffalo (left) is back!