Posts Tagged ‘dance’
Book review – Rosslyn Chapel
To many people, Rosslyn Chapel has become synonymous with Dan Brown’s novels, particularly The Da Vinci Code. However, this book explores a different side of the 15th-century building as one of Scotland’s most extraordinary architectural masterpieces. Founded by Sir William St Clair, third Prince of Orkney, and inspired by the great Gothic cathedrals he had…
Read MoreUnbound enthusiasm for the Bard with a day of fun for all age
Scotland’s national bard will be at the heart of a major celebration in Edinburgh. Burns Unbound is offering a packed programme of creative activities and performances, where bairns and big yins alike will find plenty to enjoy at the day-long celebration of the poetry and legacy of Robert Burns. On Sunday, 21 January, the National…
Read MoreEdinburgh’s Hogmanay will have Scots traditions at its heart
Distinctly Scottish traditions will be at the heart of Edinburgh’s Hogmanay Street Party. From the moment revellers arrive at Edinburgh’s Hogmanay front doors on 31 December it will be clear that this year is different – traditional tenement doors will give way to acrobats greeting those arriving. Step inside and giant granny puppets over three…
Read MoreThe festive season becomes the fish-tive season at aquarium
Christmas is for everyone this weekend – including our underwater friends! Aberdeenshire’s Macduff Marine Aquarium celebrated its 20th anniversary this year and has under gone a major refurbishment of the central kelp reef exhibit. The aquarium was closed for the summer while the work was carried out and the grand reopening and birthday celebration was…
Read MoreDutch master’s work coming to Scotland for major exhibition
Works by Rembrandt, Emil Nolde and Toulouse-Lautrec are coming to Scottish galleries in 2018. Britain’s love affair with one of history’s greatest artists, the multi-faceted career of the German Expressionist Emil Nolde and the extraordinary ambition of Jenny Saville’s monumental paintings will be among the subjects explored in the National Galleries of Scotland’s programme of…
Read MoreBreaking new ground by making opera accessible to all
Paisley Opera’s latest production is being performed this weekend. The show will take place in Paisley Abbey, Paisley today, Friday, 8 December, and tomorrow, Saturday 9 December. The show The Witches of Paisley is a dramatisation of the terrible events of the last ever major witch hunt in Western Europe, set to some of the…
Read MoreStirling University bestows honorary degrees at its winter graduation
A celebrated novelist and the first director of the Macrobert Arts Centre will receive honorary degrees at the University of Stirling’s winter graduation ceremonies this week. Dr James Robertson and Anthony Phillips will join more than 800 graduands receiving awards at two ceremonies today (Friday, 24 November). Born in Kent but raised in the shadow…
Read MoreBringing life under the sea to the surface in new Perth exhibition
Artist and diver Janeanne Gilchrist is sharing images from the mysterious underwater world in her first solo exhibition. The sea and the self are territories Janeanne explores and merges seductively in Above, Below, Beyond, an exhibition of intricately composed and infinitely ambiguous sub-aquatic images. The exhibition takes place at Perth’s Fergusson Gallery from this Saturday…
Read MorePrecision craftwork with Chinese lanterns for the festive season
A group of 25 specialist craftspeople from China have made a 5000-mile journey to Scotland’s capital. They are creating the Royal Zoological Society of Scotland’s winter extravaganza at Edinburgh Zoo, The Giant Lanterns of China. The craftspeople will begin building over 450 gigantic lantern installations and transforming Edinburgh Zoo into an impressive light spectacle for…
Read MoreThe Scottish demon drinks all set for some Halloween scares
Scottish bars are offering some demon drink this Halloween weekend. Five bars are offering some creepy cocktails as Revolution and Revolución de Cuba will be hosting some chilling events and serving up freakishly fang-tastic drinks in their bars across Aberdeen, Glasgow and Edinburgh. Revolution’s Night of the Bat takes place today and tomorrow, October 27…
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