Hamish Martin: ‘Nettle is fundamental to these lands’

This month gardening columnist Hamish Martin explains why nettle is so important to these lands.   There is a visible excitement within me when the first nettles start to appear as they always fill my heart with joy, usually indicating that we have definitely arrived in Spring and that I can start to feed my body with the…

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Hamish Martin: ‘Ground Elder is a staple food source in our family – and it has fabulous benefits for wildlife’

This month gardening columnist Hamish Martin explains why seeing the shoots of Ground Elder unfurl is a spring delight, as he explores the many uses of this versatile plant.    The first signs of ground elder appearing in early March, may put a chill in some gardeners hearts but for this gardener, it’s a quiet internal rejoicing that…

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Hamish Martin: ‘I have always been grateful for cleavers, it’s the best at getting rid of the nasties and supporting the immune system’

This month gardening columnist Hamish Martin explains the healing properties of cleavers, or sticky willie as most of us know them, and why we should recognise them as a friend.    February seems like an odd month to look for cleavers, or sticky willie as commonly called due to the plant’s sticky tendencies, as it ‘cleaves’…

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Hamish Martin: ‘Known as the tree of knowledge, hazel was one of the first trees to colonise these lands on the retreat of the ice age’

Gardening columnist Hamish Martin delves into the history of the hazel tree this month and explores how it became entrenched in our ancient history, beliefs and customs.   Why choose Hazel for the month of January when you can harvest the leaves in spring for medicine and the nuts in autumn for food. It isn’t…

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Hamish Martin: ‘There is nothing more spiritually uplifting than walking within a Scots Pine wood in December’

This month we are delighted to welcome Scottish Field’s newest columnist, Perthshire-based herbologist Hamish Martin. A lecturer on herbs at the Royal Botanic Garden in Edinburgh, forager and nature lover Hamish will be sharing his knowledge and love of plants in a new monthly column. This month he shines the spotlight on Scots Pine.  …

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