Novel with lost souls on the Portobello coast

Set on Portobello’s coast, It Takes One to Know One is a heart-warming yet harrowing story, embellished with Isla Dewar’s needle-sharp humour and effortless narrative gift for storytelling. The tale is based around Charlie Gavin, the lost and hopeless founder of the Be Kindly Missing Person’s Bureau whose mission is to find other lost souls…

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Names reveals a pattern amongst top achievers

Do you know a Rebecca at Oxford, or are you a doctor named John? Insights compiled using existing data from trade bodies, university databases and court records reveal there are several patterns to be found amongst the names of some of Britain’s highest achievers. You will find a James and a Thomas at the country’s…

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Tuesday May 31st…Well, that’s it, 50 years gone and statistically probably not another 50 years to go!  The last supper of my first 50 years was celebrated in Gretna services; a Burger King washed down with a Starbucks caramel frappacino with an extra shot, fantastic, well not at all fantastic actually, felt rather sick – could…

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Thursday May 26th..A fiercely cold wind at Hexham on Tuesday night but nothing like a winner to warm the heart and Daasij duly obliged in the 9pm; off late and run in fading light he quickened clear nicely turning in to prove his Newcastle success was no fluke, he may reappear at Cartmel on Monday…

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Monday May 23rd..Fierce storm here today, best part of an inch of rain this morning an now gale force winds, horses all twice up the rather soggy all-weather.  Yesterday at Kelso Fleet Fox made a respectable enough racecourse debut in the bumper and will now have the summer (what summer?) to strengthen up, Lucy finished 3rd…

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Flying fillies

Wednesday May 18th…Cold, windy, blustery showers, February type weather here today but riverbank gallop in perfect condition and the potential Sunday runners worked on it this morning along with a few others that are still on the go; particularly pleasing were Daasij, Fleet Fox and Isla Patriot. Lucy is on her travels riding Perez in…

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Quiet Monday

Monday May 9th…Warm but showery today, first tennis match of the year planned for this evening so bound to rain.  Ground likely to be pretty soft at Perth I guess, suits me generally. Most of the horses had quite an easy day,  hacking across the arable ground and some gentle canters back on the grass,…

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Farewell England…

So that’s it then I suppose, the Nats have it, a proper mandate and a(nother) referendum beckons, of course it won’t really mean the end of the Union, the people don’t want that, they just couldn’t bear to vote for potato head, who can blame them, and the LibDems were obviously in for a drubbing…

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Bingo! (& stable update)

Sunday April 3rd – I was delighted when Daasij gave us our 3rd winner of the week at Newcastle on Friday, it appears that stepping up to 3 miles did the trick and hopefully he can progress from here.  All three winners are looked after by Emma Dick who having now completed the hat-trick will…

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Blogamus, blogatus, blogant…

Friday March 25th – Well she says they are getting boring again, can’t read them without yawning, he says what do you expect, he has had toothache for two weeks and has lost his sense of humour, can’t eat properly so making up for it by overdosing on ice cream, not even losing any weight…

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