BBC Proms in the Park come to our TVs and radios

Live coverage of this year’s BBC Proms in the Park at Glasgow Green comes to our screens this weekend. Multi-million selling recording artist and Scottish music legend Barbara Dickson, OBE, will headline the event. Presented by Jamie MacDougall, the event will feature Barbara Dickson and other artists and guests who will join BBC Scottish Symphony…

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Enjoy a cloudy lemonade with a spirited difference

Many of us enjoy a chilled cloudy lemonade to help us relax. A Scottish distiller has now put a different slant to it, as a new crossbreed juniper-led gin, macerated in Sicilian lemon peel, has joined the LoneWolf pack. Craft beer expert BrewDog has cut its teeth with the BrewDog Distilling Co,. launching a series…

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True North Festival set to cause a storm next weekend

Aberdeen’s True North Festival is set to take place next weekend, with artists and musicians descending on the city for four days of music across five different venues in the heart of the city. Taking place from Thursday, September 19 to Sunday, September 22, the popular festival attracted thousands of fans over the course of…

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Bellfield Brewery opens tap room in Edinburgh

Peter Ranscombe joins the UK’s first dedicated gluten-free brewery for the official unveiling of its bar in Scotland’s capital. NECESSITY is the mother of invention, or so the old saying goes. For Alistair Brown and Giselle Dye, that adage came true. Dye’s husband, Robin Baillie, was diagnosed with coeliac disease in 2000, with Brown being…

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The King and the Bard were under her spell

Jane, Duchess of Gordon, threw legendary parties, hosted Edinburgh’s best literary salon and recruited troops through her beauty and charm. No wonder everyone from King George III to Robert Burns was under her spell. The streets and closes of eighteenth century Edinburgh could be a dangerous place to walk. Every evening, the public houses and…

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Our top 10 of Scotland’s mad, bad and dangerous

From cannibals to grave robbers, Scotland has had its fair share of diabolical criminals. Here’s a rogues’ gallery of some of the most notorious. 1. Invasion of the Bodysnatchers Brendan Burke and William Hare were Irish immigrants in 1820s Edinburgh who robbed graves for Dr Robert Knox, who needed bodies to dissect in his anatomy…

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A Highland estate with Loch Ness and mountains

A rare opportunity to acquire a small Highland estate, with the most stunning panoramic view of Loch Ness and the Monadhliath Mountains. Presented for sale by John Clegg & Co, Bunloit Estate sits in a highly prominent position overlooking one of the most iconic features of Scotland – Loch Ness, situated in the centre of…

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Daniela Nardini – enjoying This Life and loving Largs

The Nardini family were best known for their ice cream before daughter Daniela won us over with her portrayal of a fiesty young lawyer in This Life. The acclaimed actor now lives in Glasgow, but Largs is still in her heart. In this interview, originally published in 2015, she tells of her life and love…

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The Graffiti Project led to a funky artistic Scotland

In 2007 Alice Boyle managed to persuade Brazilian street artists to paint a phantasmagoria on the ancient walls of her family home, Kelburn Castle, in Ayrshire. The Graffiti Project became a global sensation and a symbol of a new, funkier Scotland. Yet when it came to her own hopes of becoming an artist, she was…

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Scottish Field wine columnist and drinks blogger Peter Ranscombe hunts for five luxurious Italian bottles to match truffles. MENTION the word “truffle” and I start conjuring with images of the forests of Italy in the autumn – once my mind has gone off on a tangent to think about cocoa powder-dusted chocolate ganache. Truffles of…

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