Blue Skye Thinking: Now is the time to visit The Misty Isle

I’m calling it 20/20 vision. As we clamber into autumn after six surreal months, I realise that seeing Scotland through fresh eyes has been 2020’s almighty silver lining. For many Scots, acquainting themselves more fully with all that this country has to offer has proved unexpectedly enlightening. Entranced by the wildly romantic coasts, crystal-clear waters…

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More wildlife spotted on Invercauld Estate

GAMEKEEPERS at Invercauld Estate on Royal Deeside have spotted more nesting birds from a wider range of species during their latest wildlife surveys. In total, 1,117 breeding pairs of endangered birds were identified during the three-month study, up 16% on last year’s results. Thirty-seven species were recorded nesting on the estate, including curlew, dotterel, and…

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Satellite tags reveal tiny Shetland birds’ journeys

BRITAIN’S smallest seabird spends more time around the coast of Shetland than was previously known, according to new research. Satellite tags were attached to storm petrels on the island of Mousa to study their flights between 2014 and 2017. Each bird weighs between 25 and 30 grams – the equivalent of three pound coins. They…

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Location influences how drones affect birds

DRONES are scaring ducks, geese and other wintering waterbirds, according to new research. The British Trust for Ornithology (BTO) Scotland studied how drones affected waterbirds feeding in coastal, freshwater and arable farm habitats. Its scientists found larger flocks were more likely to take flight than smaller flocks, and large flocks also took flight at a…

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First autumn mammal survey gets underway

THE first autumn “Living With Mammals” survey kicks off on Monday, with Scots being asked to keep their eyes peeled for creatures, tracks and droppings in gardens, parks or other green spaces. People’s Trust for Endangered Species (PTES) normally only runs its survey once a year, but is now capitalising on a successful spring count…

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REVIEW: Cavens Country House

A trip to the south west of Scotland proved a welcome break from city life for Rosie Morton…  Carpe diem. Two words we’ve heard countless times, and yet they seem to resonate far more in 2020 than ever before. Having been on our starting blocks since the end of March, all the trips we’ve been…

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Children’s wildlife drawing contest launched

GARDEN BirdWatch is marking its 25th anniversary with a drawing competition for children aged five to 11. The British Trust for Ornithology’s (BTO’s) summer project includes watching, counting, drawing and writing. The results from each year’s Garden BirdWatch are used by the BTO’s scientists to understand how British birds are faring and how gardens can…

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Keeping children engaged with the great outdoors

During lockdown, many families have found the time to reconnect with the outdoors. Now that restrictions are starting to ease, conservation expert Jeff  Waddell explains why it’s important that families continue to explore nature together and gives advice on how to keep young ones engaged with the great outdoors. THE National Trust for Scotland (NTS)…

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Coasts and waters calendar seeks photographs

BUDDING photographers are being asked to submit their coasts and waters pictures to a competition being run by Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH). The agency is making a calendar to mark “Scotland’s Year of Coasts & Waters”, a marketing campaign run by VisitScotland and other public bodies. SNH said that the calendar will help to continue…

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Spot the smaller things in nature this summer

Travel writer Phoebe Smith and binocular maker Swarovski offer tips to help countryside explorers slow down this summer and notice the little things in nature. 1. Look for nature’s clues Sometimes, when we take a walk, we can get so fixated on where we are headed to that we forget to take the time to…

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