A common seal resting on rocks at low tide (Photo: Lorne Gill/SNH)

East-west divide in how Scots harbour seals survive

Harbour seals are thriving on the west coast of Scotland - but their numbers have declined around some parts of the eastern coastline. Scottish Natural...

10 more of the best places for wildlife watching

Scottish Field's guide to 50 great hotspots at which to watch nature in Scotland continues. This weekend we present another 10 locations that are worth...
Buzzards will feed on anything from gamebirds to earthworms

The buzzard is a success story – but it is too successful?

Buzzards are a conservation success story. The raptors’ numbers are so buoyant that concerns over their impact on other wildlife have been raised and measures...
Daniela Nardini taking the sea air on the prom at Largs (Photo: Angus Blackburn)

Daniela Nardini – enjoying This Life and loving Largs

The Nardini family were best known for their ice cream before daughter Daniela won us over with her portrayal of a fiesty young lawyer in...

An interesting guide to Scotland and the Scots

This entry in Winn’s ‘I never knew that’ series sees the author take a tour around Scotland detailing the people that have made this great...
Dunstaffnage Castle (Photo: Vadim Boussenko/Shutterstock)

10 fascinating facts about… Oban and Argyll

Situated on Scotland's scenic west coast, Oban is known as the Gateway to the Isles. With its name being derived from its Gaelic name An...
