10 fascinating facts about… Ardnamurchan

The Ardnamurchan peninsula near Lochaber is a wild, remote yet beautiful place full of wonderful scenery.

It’s noted for its unspoiled and undisturbed scenery.

But there’s more to it than that – we present 10 fascinating facts you probably never knew.

60 million years ago this was a major volcanic site – some craters are still clearly visible today.

In 2011, a Viking ship burial was unearthed at Port an Eilean Mhòir. The Ardnamurchan Viking had an axe, sword, spear, shield and bronze ring pin.

Ardnamurchan has one of the highest concentrations of Gaelic-speakers on the mainland.

Glenborrodale Castle was built by Charles Rudd, a director of De Beers, but was later owned by Jesse Boot, proprietor of Boots the Chemist.

The shop and post office in Kilchoan used to be run by the author John Haylett.

Minerals kilchoanite, dellaite and rustumite were first found in Kilchoan.

A stone in Kilmory graveyard is said to be the font stone from the original Church of St Mary’s. Local tradition says it never dries out.

During WWII, the Salen area was used for Special Forces military training. Spent cartridges can often be found on local walks.

Portuairk crofting township claims to be the most westerly settlement on the mainland.

At 19 miles long, Loch Sunart is the longest sea loch in the Highlands.
