£3000 crowdfunder to buy hospital staff pizza

A Scottish trio of friends, in partnership with pizza restaurants around the country, have started a crowdfunding campaign to raise £3000 to provide pizza to healthcare workers amid the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Scottish Field’s whisky writer Blair Bowman, with Mark Dickson and Helen MacInnes, organised the initiative, with the goal to start delivering pizzas this Friday evening (20 March) to the biggest hospitals in Scotland, including Edinburgh’s Royal Infirmary and Western General Hospital, Glasgow’s Queen Elizabeth University Hospital, Ninewells Hospital in Dundee, Raigmore Hospital in Inverness and the Aberdeen Royal Infirmary.

Mark Dickson, who came up with the idea, said: ‘We are just three friends who want to do our part to help support healthcare workers on the frontline at this difficult time.  I asked my wife, who’s a surgeon, what helps morale on challenging shifts and she replied “pizza never goes down badly.”

‘These guys work long shifts on their feet, often without a break and helping chip in for a slice of pizza seems a simple way anyone can help out.’

Getting involved in the pizza plan are Civerinos in Edinburgh, Basta Pizza in Glasgow, Pizza Express in Inverness, Slices Pizza in Dundee and Mac’s Pizzeria in Aberdeen. Frontline staff at these hospitals will soon enjoy some pizza perfection to help them through long shifts, but only with your help.

To donate, visit www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/pandemicpizza
