Edinburgh’s one of the most haunted cities in the UK
A new survey claims that Edinburgh is one of the top 10 most haunted cities in the UK.
The research was carried out for Stay In Cornwall, who analysed cities across the UK on four ranking factors to determine the most haunted.
They say that London is the most haunted city in the UK, while Edinburgh is the 10th.
The UK’s capital scored highly across the four ranking factors, especially for the number of Halloween posts uploaded to social media with over 1000 #halloween related posts per million people uploaded over the last 12 months.
With over 44 abandoned places in and around the city, Edinburgh is the 10th most haunted city in the UK.
For those seeking the ultimate adrenaline rush, locations such as the Derelict Yorkston Farm, the abandoned lighthouse Leith or the secret nuclear bunker Barnton Quarry are the places to celebrate Halloween.
Other data available revealed that Edinburghers spend on average £16 on sweets for Halloween – in comparison, Brightoners spend on average £18.6 on trick or treating.
While some Brits enjoy dressing up and going trick or treating, some prefer to get in touch with the paranormal by visiting the most haunted places in the UK – but where are the best cities in the UK for those looking for some real-life scares to celebrate Halloween?
London was followed by Brighton and Cardiff as the spookiest cities in the UK.
Stay In Cornwall’s research revealed Nottingham to be home to the most haunted landmarks – with NINE official haunted spots including National Justice Museum, Wollaton Hall, and Clifton Hall.
Leeds, Cardiff, Brighton, and York are all tied for second place, with each of the four having areas believed to be rife with paranormal activity at haunted landmarks including Temple Newsam House, Cardiff Castle, and Brighton Town Hall.

The nuclear bunker at Barnton Quarry
James Starkey, marketing director at Stay In Cornwall, said: ‘As we enter October, the autumn season has officially begun with orange leaves, early dark evenings and, of course, Halloween. With Cornwall being home to so many spooky places, such as Bodmin Jail and the Jamaica Inn, we were curious to see how the rest of the country shaped up in comparison.
‘We thought it was really interesting that London came out on top as the most haunted city in the UK – beating classic haunted cities such as York and Leeds. We were also shocked to discover how little Norwich and Ipswich spend on Halloween compared to Brighton and Southampton.
‘Whether you are celebrating Halloween by taking the kids trick and treating or trying to find paranormal spirits in a haunted landmark, the most important thing is to have fun!’
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