Every Life Matters held St Andrews dinner

A charity evening was held at the Royal College of Physicians Hall in Edinburgh’s Queen Street, to raise money for Every Life Matters.

Edinburgh-based charity EMMS International launched the Every Life Matters campaign in 2017 to improve healthcare in Malawi. The campaign has the backing of the UK government which will match donations from the public, pound for pound.

Children in Malawi with terminal cancer spend their days in pain and hunger because poverty puts pain relief, quality healthcare and even basic food out of reach.

In Malawi, cancer diagnoses have more than doubled in the last decade. By 2021, an estimated 180,000 patients and their families will need palliative care. Across Africa, cancer cases are expected to grow by 400% in the next 50 years.

EMMS International’s campaign will raise money to train more healthcare workers, improve access to healthcare and support families to grow their own food. Helping 10,000 patients and a further 50,000 family members over the next 3 years.

The campaign is being promoted by the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh and the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow.

Pictures by Angus Blackburn.

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