Laings training staff in CPR to make more lifesavers

Luxury jewellers Laings are committed to working with their charity partner, the British Heart Foundation (BHF), in a number of ways.

Over the past few months they’ve been supporting the BHF in their vision to build a Nation of Lifesavers and have held CPR training for staff across all of their locations in the UK.

Laings have conducted CPR training sessions, hosted by the BHF, in all of their stores in Glasgow, Edinburgh, Cardiff and Southampton, as well as their head office, with a view to ensuring that every member of staff is CPR trained.

In the UK there are over 30,000 cardiac arrests a year outside of hospital and survival rates are worryingly low, partly because too few bystanders have the skills or confidence to perform CPR. The BHF wants this to change and is working to create a Nation of Lifesavers.

To support this vision Laings staff took part in CPR training sessions across the country and the team are now equipped with the skills that could help them save a life.

Kirsty Owens, training co-ordinator at Laings said: ‘The CPR training received really positive feedback from all of the participants, who found it engaging, highly informative, as well as thought-provoking. It’s amazing to think that after attending a one hour training session you could potentially save a life and this is why it was so important to Laings to roll-out this important training.’

The BHF funds over £100m of research into all heart and circulatory diseases and their causes, thanks to donations from the public – diseases which cause the deaths of one in four people in the UK.

James Jopling, Head of BHF Scotland, said: ‘We are absolutely delighted to hear that all the staff at Laings have been given the opportunity to learn CPR. Survival rates from out-of-hospital cardiac arrests in Scotland are low, with less than one in twelve people surviving. A cardiac arrest is the ultimate medical emergency and with every minute that passes without CPR and defibrillation, a person’s chance of survival decreases by around 10 percent.

‘A person’s chances of surviving are greatly increased, however, if somebody performs CPR on them. That is why it is important more us know this vital skill and we’d like to thank Laings for playing their part in helping Scotland to build a Nation of Lifesavers.’

Along with hosting CPR training Laings is committed to raising awareness of the charity’s work, as well as taking part in vital fundraising to help BHF beat heartbreak forever.

Growing from strength to strength in recent years, Laings now has three stores in Glasgow and one each in Edinburgh, Southampton and Cardiff, as well as a prominent online presence. For more details visit https://www.laingsuk.com/
