River Irvine Angling Improvement Association fundraising raffle on March 31st
The River Irvine Angling Improvement Association is a voluntary organisation who represent anglers and clubs along the length of the River Irvine, River Garnock, and River Annick.
On Friday 31st March the association will hold a fundraising evening at Barr Castle Social Club in Galston to help raise the £12,000 needed to commission the Ayrshire River Trust to carry out a detailed two year electro fishing survey to identify the health of juvenile fish stocks in the rivers Irvine, Annick and Garnock and the many spawning burns that join these three main rivers.
Raffle tickets cost £1 and prizes include fishing equipment, fishing days, clothing and angling books.
8 x 6cm photographs of the river’s extreme rare albino otters are also available at £10 (plus £3.50 p+p). Cheques are to be made out to the River Irvine Angling Improvement Association and sent to:
Gary Anderson
22 Blair Street
Or for more information call the association secretatary Kyle Barrie at kylebarrie32@gmail.com or call on 07784214952